Robert (whose mane is pictured here, a volunteer from Manchester, England) and I tried to introduce the royal games this past week, with fairly positive results.
Here is Robert working with Jhony, who is looking quite pleased with his position. I taught him a few things, and he seemed to take to the game very quickly.
You had to be careful when playing this little dude, however. As soon as it became impossible to legally capture an opponent's piece, he'd try pretty much any move on the board, no matter how implausible, so long as it ended with the other guy's piece in his hand.
Jhony, I know your hunger!
In this picture, Gersen works through English sentences with Joseph, a volunteer from Northern Ireland.
As far as kids go, this Gersen is razor sharp! Loves studying English, loves school, very sweet and motivated kid.
I once tried to help him with some math homework, and he practically laughed at me for suggesting he deign to show his arithmetic.
While other kids are struggling to enunciate the alphabet, Gersen is dropping sophisticated phrases.
"Hello Teacher, my friend forever. My name is Gersen. I am from Peru. I am ten years old. I love school."
-Ari Olmos
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