I am still teaching english from monday to wednesday. I can actually see an improvement in some of the kids which is fantastic. They often come up to me and chat as much english to me as they can, its funny. Football still continues on Thursdays and Fridays.
The weather in trujillo is getting a lot warmer, at around 3 especially its tough.
I have started taking surfing lessons in the world famous beach near trujillo called huanchaco. Surfing is amazing and here its really cheap. SKIP volunteers get a reduced rate just for being SKIP volunteers from one particular surf shop.
I am still continuing with my free Spanish lessons. I not sure if i am improving as much I would like but its certainly enjoyable anyway. My peruvian classmates are really nice and helpful.
Cant think of much more to add. Going to add some photos also:
Here is the summer programs painting class:

Here are the future footballers of peru (except me!!)

What do you think of my teaching of the human body????

Some of my kids working hard improving their vocabulary

P.S. I did a lot of fundraising before I came to SKIP and managed to raise a substantial amount. If any potential volunteers needs ideas, feel free to contact me on m1572202@qub.ac.uk