29 March 2007


Sometimes in SKIP we also have fun...

Sometimes we have extreme trekking...

And sometimes we eat exotic things...


25 March 2007

Saludos de Ernesto, psicologo

En SKIP trabajamos para que las familias no solo reciban ayuda economica sino ayuda que les permita "desarrollarse" y surgir en la vida...

Necesitamos constantemente de tu apoyo, ya sea este como voluntario o con tu ayuda economica.

24 March 2007


As the "semana santa" week approaches, the SKIP Volunteer house is at near-capacity with a large group of international volunteers from Sweden, Great Britain, Spain, the United States, Japan and Peru.

This space has been established to provide those and future volunteers an opportunity to record their experiences in working with SKIP kids and families in El Porvenir.

Prospective volunteers might be especially interested in learning about the realities of living and working in Trujillo from current volunteers.

On behalf of the entire SKIP family, I would like to thank our Canadian volunteer, Valerie Belanger, for her invaluable contribution in creating and maintaining our web site at www.skipperu.org.

I will be happy to receive any questions and comments from readers at larry@skipperu.org.

Larry Wolfe
SKIP Director